dark as rich aroma, the feeling you get when you know they've been lying to you
all that long. The screaming you desire to unleash, all the wrath. But you
don't, you don't scream. You behave, you maintain yourself. Because of all, you
know, you need to put yourself first. No one will stay with you for forever,
other than you. So you choose to behave,
to be a better person, to look at yourself years from now and be proud of whom
you are, how you reacted.
When we lose trust of one another, we literally
lose everything. For how can we love if we don't trust? How can we share
comfort? or even believe the words that have been said to us? I'm not mad that you lied to me; I'm mad that from now on I can't
believe you. I knew I can't fully trust you not because I never trusted anyone
to the fullest, but because you were too good to be true. I'm not sure if I didn't know you all along,
or if I chose not to. But you put me in a state of darkness, that I shall never
put myself in again.