Saturday, 31 May 2014

Maleficent movie random thoughts (spoilers alert)

I just watched maleficent movie, and I can't help not to say, I'm so in love with the plot twist, it was so humanist in so many levels, it contained love, hatred , anger , revenge and forgiveness all in one short movie, it was an educational story rather than just another Disney fairytale; to be able to open up to a person with all your flaws, to love and trust someone to the fullest, and to wait days and years for that one person, that one true love, that person who made you feel special with all your blemishes and viciousness, to wake up one day with the disloyal of your true love, to be betrayed by that one person you would give up the whole world for, that anger you feel after knowing how stupid you were, how ignorant you were to actually believe true love can happen! Maleficent did not stop at that point, the movie showed how if someone would take their anger in an ungraceful way, the consequences that comes with anger, the outcome of revenge was not easy to absorb.
The years it took her to cleanse herself and soul out of anger were not short, and not easy, however to find true love in someone you need no benefit from, someone you are not responsible of nor you would gain a thing from was her way to cleanse, to give without return, to love without being known or acknowledged , to practice motherhood in secrecy,  to be a true mother without a title. It showed her what true love really meant, and how it might happen in the strangest places with the strangest people, and it does not include a prince charming nor a man you need to relay on, but it can be with anyone you care about, true love is the love of the soul. This movie truly shows how to every story there is another side, a side we always try to ignore, to not listen to, for we know we will reveal far more than we wish to know, how lovely it would be if we never knew maleficent story? Just another romantic story, yet maleficent story showed who is the true hero, the real person who suffered the most and yet learned to forgive in time and not hold a grudge.      

Tuesday, 27 May 2014

I'm the soul

Cassandra Clare once wrote "Whatever you are physically...male or female, strong or weak, ill or healthy. all those things matter less than what your heart contains. If you have the soul of a warrior, you are a warrior. All those other things, they are the glass that contains the lamp, but you are the light inside."
After reading Clare's words I could not help not to think further. Are we our bodies or our souls? Am I a soul? Is this body I'm stuck in is just a container? I started to think of everything I have learned; didn't god create Adam's body before he placed his soul? However his body did not move, it laid down for days with no actual movement or a single thought, till god slotted in the soul, the body was more likely dead! Once the soul leave the body, the body is no longer active, just after a second that it leaves it, that vigorous body would lay down hopelessly with no sight of life.  Furthermore, we can basically point at everything we contain but not the soul. We have no idea where is the place of our soul. We can't point at a specific place and say "Hey, this is my soul!" . my philosophy did not stop at that, we always say, "it touched my heart" or " it broke my heart" , though our heart is just an organ , with these kind of terms we actually mean our souls without us noticing,  but how can that mean we are the soul not the body? It's because in no matter what body we were placed in, we would have the same feelings, the same thoughts, the same ideas, yet different shape, different container. Evil or good, bad or's the soul not the body, it's us. The soul. These bodies are from god, keep them safe, take care of them because at a certain time, you will have to return it back. Remember that you are the soul that god blew, never forget how valuable you are.

Friday, 9 May 2014

The Moon

As I was a little girl, I thought there was a bunny that makes hot chocolate for good children. The ones who do well in school, and to respect their parents. However, at a certain age, I lost my grandmother for cancer, her death was expected yet it was shocking to me, how can a person no longer exist? It did not make sense to me so I asked my mom where did she go?  my mom answered me with the weirdest answer; she said " souls go up to the moon".

 I never understood the meaning of it, so I made my own theory, which was ; There was a huge tree of souls, that lighten up the moon for us to guide us through life with their wisdom and carry us through the darkness with their love. I would look at it whenever I felt lonely and think of how these souls are having fun, while we are still being tested on earth. Whenever it was a full moon, I thought, a certain soul must have went up, a new guardian angel for us. My theory developed to a next level, I kept wondering what about the bad people ? where do their souls go? Lightning and thunder must have a reason for existence too! That’s it! Bad souls would stay in the middle, floating between the clouds, and they would argue and fight as lightning and thunder..

I grew older, old enough to know that the moon was just a huge rock and lightning and thunder are just a physical and chemical reactions, yet I would still look at them and think of death and after life. I refused to give up my childhood theories, I did acknowledge how wrong they were, however, they gave me hope, not in what did they stand for, but for they were innocent, they gave me hope that this world still had innocence. I never knew I would grow up to be a different person, I thought that girl who cared only about what game is next would still be the same, I thought I would be making history with the same people I had, I thought we would conquer the world together, or that what we all thought as we walked together the same road not knowing we would face different paths, no connections, no words anymore. The word forever seemed to be long, we never knew how short forever would be. But we were sincere, we meant it at that time, all the promises that we made, they were sincere. Time passed by, it is no longer summer break after a long year of school, it is no longer who we were, no longer a free spirit, who are we? Who am I? In all the chaos, it seemed that I lost my soul, will ever this darkness turn to light? Will I ever find peace in my chaotic world? I miss that girl who used to look at trees and imagine monsters, who would look at the moon and think of the souls, who thought she could change the world, who believed poverty could be cured, who only seen evil on T.V. It's getting harder to breathe life. There is no stop button nor restart. There is only moving on and moving forward, there is going back no more..